Lessons in Gratitude: Staying Grounded During a Tough Year

By: Karen G. Hatcher, CPM®

“I am grateful for the challenges that life throws my way, as they teach me resilience, strength, and the importance of staying grounded.” 

As 2023 draws to a close, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. We’ve navigated uncertainties, celebrated triumphs, and learned invaluable lessons along the way. 

And the most important of these? Staying grounded in community, nurturing our inner selves, and finding joy in the simple things.

Allow this pause to serve as a way to catch your breath and become introspective on the journey of this year. 

These are some of my “Lessons Learned”.

Work + Life: The Importance of Community

As a businesswoman, I am always aware that the “invisible hand” is at work and the economy, this year, was going to peak at a point considering we have been in the longest bullish market in history.  

As a real estate professional, the year began with uncertainty which I was equipped to handle because of my close connection to my real estate community and experts.  As time progressed, so did our need for connection. As I navigated this year, I leaned even more on my community support, an invaluable resource that I always treasured, but I want to dive a little deeper here on why.

I’ve talked about this in a previous article, but having a tribe can make all the difference. Admittedly, building community is one of my strengths. For those of you who are a little more discerning, consider this: women often face unique challenges in all facets of life, so finding a supportive community, makes sense. 

If you are looking for advice or guidance, having a supportive tribe of peers can be invaluable for personal and professional growth. This includes mentorship, opportunities for collaboration, and a safe space to vent.

So that when times change, you can lean deeper into your communities. For those of us facing uncertainty in the real estate market, lean deeper into your industry organization and brokerage community.  It is there that you will find the strength in numbers of others who are just like you, committed to the game and focused on gaining the knowledge, community, and support to come out on top.  You can find success in any market

Also, during times of challenge, I find that when I reach out to loved ones and lend a helping hand, reminds me of our shared humanity. 

By fostering deeper connections with those around us, we can stay grounded in the face of adversity.

Self-Care: Finding Joy in Simple Pleasures

It was an incredible honor to be one of the women in business featured in HerAgenda’s article in October highlighting National Self-Care Awareness Month. As an entrepreneur and dedicated advocate for self-care, I discuss how self-care is much more than indulging in bubble baths or treating yourself to a day at the spa. 

While those activities can be revitalizing, true self-care involves nurturing your mind, body, and spirit on a deeper level. Give yourself the privilege to #LiveSovereign – and that means being intentional with your time and energy with you at the center.

For me, self-care means creating boundaries that allow me to maintain balance while achieving my personal and professional goals.  Amidst this chaos, finding solace in simple pleasures can be transformative.  

I have relished a time or two this holiday season in saying no and standing firm in my boundaries instead of stretching myself too thin which would have hindered my ability to show up fully present for my tribe. 

The warm aroma of my favorite coffee wafts up to my nose as I curl up on my couch, soaking up the morning sun. Or the tranquility of a well-executed day, when my kids are tucked into bed and everything is completed. 

Rather than feeling exhausted, I’m thrilled that I’ve kept to my plan and can truly savor a glass of my favorite pinot noir. These moments provide a temporary sanctuary from the whirlwind within our minds. Taking pleasure in these small joys can help us establish anchors that keep us firmly rooted in gratitude.

Lifestyle: Practicing Mindfulness to Nurture Gratitude

“I believe practicing mindfulness is crucial to maintaining emotional and mental balance, particularly during challenging times. It’s important to dedicate time every day to activities that promote mindfulness, such as meditation, yoga, journaling, or deep breathing. The key is to find what works best for you.”

I also love listening to audiobooks & podcasts while I’m driving from meeting to meeting or even during the carpool with my kids.  Right now, I’m listening to the classic “How to Win Friends & Influence” People by Dale Carnegie. This is actually a re-read for me, well, read the first time, this time on audible, with a different focus.  

I recently recommended this book as it helped me along my management journey as I was honing my skills in leadership and understanding how to reach different personality types.  So, I am listening to it now with a different ear, taking my skills to the next level so I can engage in deeper conversations and learn with my team.

Engaging in these activities allows us to slow down and savor moments more fully, cultivating gratitude for even the most ordinary experiences and lessons.  So grateful for the lessons!

Intimate Balance: The Healing Power of Nature

Through a brand archetype assessment, I discovered that one of my unique traits is the ability to create a sense of purposeful balance in my world. I believe that staying true to your authentic self, even when life gets turbulent, requires the capacity to maintain balance in all aspects of your life – emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

No matter what, you will still be committed to your goals regardless of what crosses your path. When I need to activate this for myself, I find a way to be in nature. 

Nature has an inherent ability to provide comfort during difficult times. Spending time in nature benefits physical health and nourishes emotional well-being with its calming effect.

Our family regularly practices vacationing. I have previously shared with you about my husband and my ‘Couples Retreat’ agenda, which we use to plan, focus, and connect. We also follow the same approach with our children, where we travel and explore the outdoors, appreciate God’s wonders, and immerse ourselves in different cultures.”

Taking a leisurely hike through the woods, walking the beltline, or relishing a beachside sunset can act as potent reminders of the beauty and abundance that exists in our world — inspiring feelings of gratitude and humility. 

If you’re ever in the car with my kids on a carpool, don’t be surprised when they start discussing the beauty of the different buildings and architecture they see around them.  They have a keen eye as children of builders and real estate professionals. 😀😉

Humanity: Paying it Forward

Lastly, the lessons of gratitude and groundedness are best put into practice by giving back – being a philanthropist. As a dedicated community advocate, I’m passionate about giving back to the neighborhoods that have supported my growth. It simply brings me joy!

Together with my incredible husband, Dr. Michael Hatcher, we founded the Keep Building Foundation as a way to give back and provide career advancement opportunities to marginalized individuals who have a passion for architecture and construction.  

Our nonprofit is committed to promoting excellence and equity among future builders, with a strong focus on innovative construction practices in sustainability and affordable housing development. We also proudly create opportunities for advancement through diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives for these aspiring builders and entrepreneurs.

I’m all about giving back and helping others. Volunteering has always been a big part of my life I spend my time working with other organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Hosea Feed The Hungry, and several other great charities here in Atlanta.

As we step into the new year, let’s carry these lessons with us. Let’s build strong communities, find joy in the simple things, and make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time. May your 2024 be filled with abundance, joy, and the sweet taste of gratitude.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Let’s keep building each other up, one brick (or blog post) at a time!

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I’m super excited for us to continue on this journey together! 🏠💕

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