Celebrating Self-Care and Empowerment: My Feature in HerAgenda

By: Karen G. Hatcher, CPM®

“I am a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur, and I set boundaries so that I can serve all that matters to me.”

It was an incredible honor to be one of the women in business featured in HerAgenda’s latest article, highlighting National Self-Care Awareness Month. As an entrepreneur and dedicated advocate for self-care, I appreciate the recognition and the opportunity to share my thoughts with others.

In the article, I discuss how self-care is much more than indulging in bubble baths or treating yourself to a day at the spa. While those activities can be revitalizing, true self-care involves nurturing your mind, body, and spirit on a deeper level. For me, self-care means creating boundaries that allow me to maintain balance while achieving my professional goals.

Being a successful woman in business can be challenging—long hours, endless meetings, and constant multitasking often take a toll on our well-being. Thus, prioritizing self-care becomes essential not only for personal happiness but also for maintaining the stamina necessary to thrive in a competitive business landscape.

One of the most impactful practices I’ve incorporated into my routine is morning walk. By setting aside twenty minutes to focus on my breath and center my thoughts, I’m better prepared to conquer whatever the day might bring.

Additionally, staying connected with other like-minded women in business creates a strong support network. We remind each other of our collective power and that prioritization of self-care should never fall by the wayside.

The article by HerAgenda showcases a diverse group of women sharing their unique perspectives on self-care. Each viewpoint offers valuable insight into how self-care within our businesses is crucial for success.

As we continue celebrating National Self-Care Awareness Month, let’s remember to be kind to ourselves while sprinting towards our goals. Together and with purposeful practice, we can establish an empowering new narrative that champions our achievements and nurtures the very souls driving them forward.

Stay inspired,

xoxo Karen 🏠💕

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